Introducing Base:
The Next Evolution in Ethereum Scalability

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2024 continues to be another exciting year for the development of blockchain technology. Our Horn & Company Crypto dashboard lets you keep track of the latest developments. In this post, we introduce Base, an exciting Ethereum layer-2 solution, to the readership. For the ones who are eagerly awaiting, please find the TLDR version just below. 

TLDR: In this blog post, we focus on the layer-2 blockchain solution Base. Base is developed by Coinbase and designed to address Ethereum’s scalability issues by enhancing transaction speeds and reducing fees. Leveraging Optimism’s technology, Base simplifies blockchain interactions with features like gasless transactions and focuses on user accessibility without the need for a native token. Base’s integration into the broader Ethereum ecosystem and its possibly significant role in the financial services industry highlight its potential to transform blockchain usage and drive widespread adoption.

Introducing Base: The Next Evolution in Ethereum Scalability

1. Base Introduction

Base is a pioneering Layer-2 blockchain solution developed by Coinbase, aimed at enhancing the scalability of the Ethereum network. As the first blockchain launched by a publicly traded company, Base addresses critical challenges like network congestion, high transaction fees, and slow processing times which are synonymous with Ethereum. This innovation comes on the back of the OP Stack, an open-source framework developed by Optimism, which facilitates easier development and integration of Layer-2 solutions.

The strategic backing from Coinbase, a heavyweight in the cryptocurrency industry, lends Base a substantial degree of credibility and potential for widespread adoption. This alignment is expected to streamline Ethereum’s operational capabilities significantly and introduce a new era of efficiency and scalability to blockchain technology.

2. Base’s Offering

Since its launch, Base has made significant strides, quickly positioning itself as a major player in the blockchain space. After the Ethereum network’s DenCun upgrade, Base saw its daily transactions surge to an unprecedented 2 million on March 16, representing a massive leap from the 440,000 average transactions per day recorded prior to the upgrade. This peak performance indicates the robust capacity of Base to handle large transaction volumes efficiently, a critical requirement for Ethereum’s scalability.

What sets Base apart from other Layer-2 solutions is its decision not to introduce a native token. This strategic move eliminates the complexities associated with managing new token economies and focuses purely on improving transaction efficiency and network usability. This choice reflects a broader strategy to ensure that Base enhances the Ethereum ecosystem without fragmenting it with additional cryptocurrencies, thus making it more accessible and user-friendly.

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Base


High Scalability and Reduced Costs: Base leverages Optimism’s Optimistic Rollup technology to bundle multiple transactions into one. This method drastically reduces the load on Ethereum’s main network, allowing for more transactions per second and significantly lowering gas fees. The fee reduction has opened up new possibilities for microtransactions, previously impractical due to cost concerns.  When comparing Base to other Blockchains with a focus on efficiency and scalability (see table below), Base beats its Ethereum based L2 chains and Ethereum itself in TPS except for Polygon and the L1 chain Solana. The ability of Solana to handle this many transacations is certainly a valuable asset. However, Base’s advantage compared to Polygon is its easy integration into Coinbase as will be highlighted later in this section. When comparing Base to Solana, the TPS handling of Solana might be better, but Solana in comparison to Base does not offer the Ethereum compatibility which can be considered a plus for Base.

Innovative Transaction Methods: Base introduces gasless transactions through account abstraction, allowing users to engage with dApps without needing tokens to pay gas fees. This user-centric approach simplifies the onboarding process for new users unfamiliar with the complexities of blockchain interactions.

Enhanced User Experience and Coinbase Integration: Base has been developed with a strong focus on user experience, featuring a simplified interface, comprehensive documentation, and an API that caters to developers. These elements are designed to lower the entry barrier for both users and developers, fostering greater adoption and creativity within the ecosystem. The direct integration into the Coinbase services is another plus for Base offering a wide array of services, including Coinbase‘s wallet, trading, and custody services.


Centralization Risks: As Coinbase controls the transaction sequencing on Base, concerns about centralization have emerged. This control could lead to potential biases or conflicts of interest, especially as the network scales and decentralization becomes more crucial.

Withdrawal Times: The use of Optimistic Rollups means that withdrawals from Base to Ethereum can take up to seven days due to the required verification period. This delay could be a significant drawback for users and applications needing faster settlement times.

Security Concerns: Despite leveraging Ethereum’s security features, the new layers of technology and infrastructure introduced with Base carry inherent risks. These include vulnerabilities in the rollup technology and potential exploitation through the novel fraud-proof mechanisms.

4. Base Ecosystem and Its Most Important Apps

Although still in its early stages, the Base ecosystem supports a diverse array of applications, from decentralized exchanges to social networks. Noteworthy applications include:

Aerodrome: A central automated market maker and liquidity provider designed to facilitate funding for network-enhancing projects.

Seamless Protocol: This platform offers decentralized lending and borrowing services with streamlined token bridging and swapping functionalities. A pioneering decentralized social network that enables users to monetize their social interactions through a unique key exchange system.

These applications highlight Base’s capacity to support multifaceted blockchain functionalities and services.

Base’s ecosystem and its technological offerings also have potentially significant implications for the financial services industry. Its ability to execute faster and cheaper transactions makes blockchain solutions more viable and competitive against traditional financial services. This efficiency can drive wider adoption of blockchain technologies for everyday financial operations, including payments, lending, and trading, potentially reshaping the financial landscape.

5. The Strategic Importance of Base

The future of Base looks promising as it continues to integrate into the broader Ethereum ecosystem and the envisioned Optimism Superchain. These developments are expected to enhance interoperability among different blockchain platforms, driving new efficiencies and innovation. The strategic importance of Base lies in its potential to dramatically improve Ethereum’s scalability and user accessibility, thereby accelerating blockchain adoption across various sectors.

Coinbase’s commitment to further developing Base’s infrastructure, including its involvement in EIP-4844, aims to reduce Layer-2 transaction fees significantly, potentially boosting Base’s adoption and usability. As Base evolves, its impact on the blockchain landscape is poised to be substantial, marking it as a critical development in the quest for mass adoption of blockchain technology.

Base has swiftly established itself as a formidable player in the Layer-2 space, with its advanced capabilities significantly impacting the Ethereum blockchain’s scalability and efficiency. The network continues to attract a growing community of users and developers, drawn by its low fees, high transaction throughput, and innovative features designed to simplify blockchain interactions. As Base continues to expand and evolve, its role in shaping the future of decentralized applications and financial services remains a key development to watch, promising to bring more users into the blockchain fold and expand its use into mainstream applications.

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Philipp Misura

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Martin Rupprecht

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